Welsh Cakes

This recipe, handwritten by my Nan, is a real taste of my childhood. It takes me back to visiting family in south Wales and eating seemingly endless Welsh cakes over the summer holidays. If you don't know what a Welsh cake is, it's a little bit like a very dense scone (Wikipedia article). When she left us, I inherited the family griddle and now I guess it's up to me to carry on the tradition. I don't make them very often, just for special occasions like birthdays and such.

I like to use a little bit of cinnamon in my own cakes and I use mixed fruit instead of currants, but my nan's recipe is the more traditional one. I also use a little bit more flour than suggested in the recipe here. If I don't, the mix can be a little sticky. It's possible eggs are bigger these days and the margarine I use has a greater moisture content. Anyway, try making some. They're very nice with a cup of tea.